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Lenten Redux Week 2

April 18, 2010

What is this lenten redux you ask?

Here’s the recap: Missed all 40 days of Lent… usually don’t “give” something up but try and “add” something to my life to better myself.  But since I missed all 40 days of Lent, that didn’t happen.  Also, didn’t really make it to Mass that often.  So for the 8 weeks post Easter, I’m going to pretend it’s Lent and commit to some form of physical activity/exercise every day and go to Mass every Sunday. Kinda living by that “better late than never” principle.

So week 2: Apr 11-17.

Mass: Check.

Physical Activity/Exercise: BIG FAT ZERO.  Pathetic, I know.  Some days, I had really good excuses (as good as excuses get) and other days… well, other days I just couldn’t get my shit together.  Good thing I have 6 more weeks to redeem myself.*

*I’ve already started week 3 on the right foot. 🙂

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